BISE BESPOKE strives to be the leading innovator for real estate concierge services in a global market. Exceptional service and unmatched quality is the baseline for everything we touch.  

We believe our values are the formula for our successes. They describe the company as we want it to be, and hold us accountable to you—our client, our guests and our community.

CLIENT & GUEST-CENTRIC Our client and guest needs come before our own. We believe in respecting our clients and our guests while listening to their requests, understanding their expectations and not dishonoring their confidence or their confidential information, improperly or carelessly.

INTEGRITY We are dedicated to complying fully with the laws, rules and ethical principles, which govern us, in our professional and personal lives.

LEADERSHIP We are committed to learning more, doing more and becoming more in everything we do.

QUALITY Our services will be the best: We will deliver excellence to our clients while showcasing properties with innovation, exceptional service to guests and collaboration with our partners.

Heather Bise is the owner of HL BISE, a boutique real estate firm in NYC.  After twenty years of brokering and consulting real estate deals across the globe, she founded BISE BESPOKE in her hometown of Cleveland, Ohio.  Inquiries: RE@HLBISE.COM